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Here we are again, crew. Uncharted waters and rough seas ahead. As we endure retrograde it occured that we had not updated the log in overdue time. Many apologies, and please expect that it will not happen again until this ship officially sinks to the depths.

The Summer was a whirlwind of releases which we hope filled some must needed voids. Approaching the end of this year, we fall back into that old rhythm of familiarity, but with of course our unique twist.

Expect PART III of our ESB series with @sick_mind_pins that will send some pearlescent tones that fluster The Force.

Another time thrice in our Sins of the Father tributes with Cadaverous Carver will drop on Halloween as well in 5 total variants including an ALL WOODEN CHASER only available in sets!

Through our travels we have made bonds with warriors from other crews, and now with their tribal blessing, MIKEBONEMUSIC - along with @deathstyle_graphics will join our crew officially as we drop a fitting tribute to their visage and message in November.

Finally, on Halloween we enter the anniversary and culminate the final month of mourning to the everlasting man that is DOOM with @chingon_pinz - which comes full circle with a new variant set of DOOMVOURER OF WORLDS with @claygrahamart. You will not want to miss your favorite of what will be a grand total of 16 pins in this collective drop!!!

One last thing, we really appreciate the fact that anyone reads this far or even pays this close of attention to anything we may be trying to do here. The message we really want to send is that while there is a lot of darkness in this world, sometimes too much, sometimes overwhelming and feels like all hope is lost and there is no way out in sight, just understand that there is always light. While there may be that feeling of total darkness, there is not, for there is always light, no matter how much, it exists and that is what powers this ship and this crew.

We love you, thank you for supporting us. Thank you for tolerating our unwavering and total vulnerablity for truth, even if we realize sometimes it's just our own.

Peace, Love & Yarg!
