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Avast, Summer Dogs!

That oh-so-cherished time of year is upon us and we hope you enjoyed our first Summer splash release of the PIZZA PIRATE series and BLIND BAG BOOTY CALL wave three WIZ logo skull pins!


We are excited to bring you a furious Summer of drops, starting with THE PINASHER collaboration with that man yet again, @ghoticzys! Originally designed to be 1.5" they instead came in a bit smaller than we liked at 1" and so have been pushed to be revealed for the noble masses in late June. These will come on custom designed SCALLYWAG backing cards with art done by Nick Fero (ghoticzys) and dreamed up by The Pin Pirate, along with brushed alloy matching stickers. Limited to 50 pieces TOTAL made with 15 Sunset Glitter Variants, these hard enamel beauties will be what makes your friend group understand that your pin game is NOT to be fucked with. Represent that you belong among the elite Pin Connoisseurs of the game with this one of a kind limited edition mash-up collab. No one will doubt your fury or your dedication to the game, and rest assured your pins will be safe and sound wherever they are worn or stored.


If you have been sleeping under a moon, you missed AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR smashing box office records and endearing Thanos in the hearts of audiences around the globe. Stemming from the 10 year long run of franchise hits from Marvel Studios, the latest installment pitted Earth's mightiest heroes, the Guardians of the Galaxy and all of Wakanda's best warriors against the fate of the inevitable. As many were consumed with this adaptation of the classic comic story INFINITY GAUNTLET, we here at Scallywag were hoping to see the best the pin game had to give us in the form of veritable tributes, alas, we were sorely disappointed when time and again, one after the other, the same fucking pin, in so many vanilla forms were released to capitalize on the film's success. Back in February we began to refresh ourselves on our old issues of INFINITY GAUNTLET to prepare our hearts and minds for the agony that would soon come. During that time, it struck us - WHY OH WHY HAS NO ONE EXPLORED THANOS' RELATIONSHIP WITH DEATH? Well, we fixed that. Cut to late May where after months of development and painstaking coordination, our SHRINE TO DEATH design hit the presses. We revealed the first variant in early June and will be aiming to unveil the alternative variant on June 15th when we drop the pre order for both pins and the sets. Set your alarms, mark your calendars and hold tight to all loose change, because this design will not sit around waiting for you to attend this pin show or that pin event. Prepare for a limited release on June 15th with a full release slated for end of June/early July. It will be balanced. It will be fair. It will be GLORIOUS. Pay tribute to the Mistress of us all, DEATH, with this originally designed homage rendered by Jacob Reidy AKA The Pin Wizard and conjured up by The Pin Pirate.


Dropping with the PIZZA PIRATE SERIES were our final wave of WIZ LOGO SKULL pins - but fear not, we held back three of our favorites from that batch to really stamp the Summer season with a BANG! Prepare for the Pelagic, The Buzz and The Grog, all glittery, all limited, only available in trio sets. These will be the FINAL variants ever produced of this design, and if you have been following along and catching them all as they have come, these three are definitely the Crown Jewels of the entire run.

BUT WAIT - THERE IS MORE! We just aren't gonna go too far yet, though. Another big time collaboration with The Pin Wizard awaits, as well as a first time collab with our manufacturing partners, PIN PLUGGED. You won't be prepared for EITHER, and when they are dropped randomly this Summer, don't say you weren't warned RIGHT HERE! Always come back to see if we've updated our logs, this is where you will get the first scoop on release dates, giveaways, coupons and so much more!

Thanks for sailing with us on the high seas of our minds! Plunder today! Set creative sail! Love with all your YARG!